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Welcome to our world of plants

Let’s never have enough green together

With us, you’ll find a carefully curated selection of plants to meet every need, from office spaces and gardens to various interior styles. Our passionate buyers keep up with the latest trends and seasonal developments, ensuring our range is always up-to-date and perfectly aligned with what your customers are looking for. From the popular Monstera and atmospheric Ficus to sturdy garden plants, we deliver only top-quality plants, directly from the grower. Our assortment includes everything from houseplants to seasonal items, ideal for holidays or special occasions. Thanks to our large in-house stock, you’re guaranteed fast delivery and a wide range to choose from.

We stay on top of the latest trends, from minimalist design to sustainable care, ensuring our collection is not only beautiful but also market-focused.

Feel free to browse our webshop and discover how you can make your shop or project flourish with our extensive range. Quality and reliability are our top priorities, so you can focus on delighting your customers with the finest greenery available.

Ordering process

Would you like to order flowers, plants, and decorations from our webshop?

Create an account and gain access to our extensive assortment.

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Do you want access to our webshop? Fill in the form to request a login code. After a brief verification, you will receive your login code via email.

Log in and order

Log in with your details in the webshop and easily place your order from our extensive assortment.

Fast delivery

After placing your order, we ensure that the products are delivered to you quickly and efficiently.

Vianen: more than flowers